The Long Line of Elk by Steve S. Saroff

Published by Flooding Island

Contains Success, the orgin story of Paper Targets, and poetry.

"I still look for her everywhere. In the city crowds, I sometimes see a face like hers, or, walking in a certain way, a girl with long, thin arms.... But I find her most in solitary places: along the Blackfoot River in Autumn, a place she never saw, where red river rocks sparkle in the low water and dark trout pretend to be shadows...." From the story, "Success" in 'The Long Line of Elk.' Available at your local bookstore or at Amazon.

Click here to listen to readings from The Long Line Of Elk

The absurd grit

There was a day when I woke up
and knew I was leaving.
The absurd grit had gotten
behind my collar and into the works.
The sky was perpetually dirty,
like an industrial twilight of broken dreams.
People whom I had
tried to love and befriend
had become strange and cruel.
Nothing was right at home.
Even the coffee was bad.
So I left.
Highways became roads became trails.
And along the way there were
emerald lakes and silence.
Like this place I chanced upon.
I thought about calling you
to say that there were no more questions,
but I had lost your number,
and I wasn’t even sure
how to pronounce your name.
When I really tried to remember,
I realized that what I needed most
was to forget.
So I did.
And then the coffee,
and everything else,
started to become delicious again.
-- from, The Long Line Of Elk

Click here to listen to readings from The Long Line Of Elk
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Dear Reader, I truly hope some of the moods in my writing reach you. But, if you prefer to listen rather than read, many of these stories and writings are available on Spotify, iTunes, etc., as well as directly on the Montana Voice Podcast

And to readers who want more: the best way to encourage the publication of my next book is for my current books to receive more reviews. If you have read Paper Targets please consider leaving a review of it on Amazon. - Thank you!!!

Most of the stories and essays beneath have been puplished elsewhere, but sometimes I post new work and move out old work.

Fiction: Non-fiction: Photos with words: Available Books:

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(c) 2024 Steve S. Saroff & Saroff Corporation
Author. Start-up consultant. Adviser to artists, writers, and a few good actors.